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Distalization for weight regain
after failed Gastric Bypass


According to studies weight regain can be seen in 30% to 35% of patients following a bariatric surgery with relapse of their original comorbidities (Type II Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol and Sleep Apnea)

The causes of weight. regain after gastric bypass are multifactorial and may include:

1- Adaptation of your body to the surgery
2- Aging
3- Heartburn as a result of a "Hiatal Hernia"
4- Big pouches and sleeves


Following an initial consultation, certain tests may be needed to understand the anatomy and therefore suggest a potential surgical correction if granted.

There are several procedures that can be offered to optimize a former procedure (Sleeve or Gastric bypass). The “Distalization" procedure is used to revise a Gastric Bypass that did not yield the expected results.

This procedure intents to enlarge the length of the non-functional bowel (biliary limb) to create less absorption surface and to shorten the functional bowel, hence loosing calories. The procedure usually takes 20-25 min and it is done via laparoscopy or robotic assisted. The Distalization procedure is believed to reset the gut-hormones responsible for weight loss. 

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